So that's it! We've done our final Hang Son Doong tour and now we have a day left in which to clean up and pack.
Rainy Phong Nha |
This last month has really flown by, we've done two Son Doong tours, plus a couple of exploration trips (which I've already blogged about). Below are a few pictures from the last month.
Nhia, resting at our lunch spot. |
It's been a month of sunshine and showers, and our first tour of the month was no exception.
Here comes the rain again |
Shortly after lunch the heavens opened and we took shelter for a short while at a convenient rock over hang.
Second river crossing in Son Doong, bridges now permanent |
After the rain, it was an uneventful trip into Son Doong, although it was different as six of the customers were a film crew from Singapore who were doing a travel show 'Adventure Duo' (only on 5).
Doline One from the top of the Hand of Dog |
It was my turn to climb the Hand of Dog to pose for pictures and as I arrived at the top I climbed through a layer of mist to clear views.
Plant life, enjoying the sun |
One advantage of the filming was that we were a little slower than normal, meaning that we were at the top of the doline when the sunbeams arrived.
Doline One, more sunbeams |
At this time of year the sunbeams last for a long time so we still made it down to the bottom in time for the 'show'.
The only way is down |
This bat was crawling around at the bottom, I think it might have been ill, which is why it was not moving much.
Pardon, please speak louder |
However, it did perk up for long enough to pose for this picture.
Sometimes we walk at a snails pace, this chap overtook us |
Nothing else to note on this tour, except that the drone pilot had done a crash course in flying, except that he had not managed the landing part, and kept crashing.
Hmmmm |
In between tours we tried out a new method for controlling foot rot. Sweeny had discovered that Potassium Permanganate solution was reckoned to be the most effective cure, so we gave it a go with some Pot parties for Watto, Sweeny and myself.
The ultimate butterfly picture |
Our final tour continued in a similar style, Ruth has been taking pictures of butterflies all year, she finally managed to get probably the best ever.
Not quite pearly white |
I went slightly off route between the two dolines, and found some perfectly round pearls, they were quite big too.
Village Chieftans |
As we passed through the Bru Van Keo village we said our final goodbyes, until next year.
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